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Butterfly Wedding

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This evening, Brian and I went to the wedding of one of my good friends from Butler. We met during formal sorority recruitment our freshman year, joined the women’s a cappella group together and were friends ever since!  Because the wedding was fairly close to the apartment, I convinced Brian to walk (despite the 90 degree weather.)  It still turned out to be a nice walk!  There were a lot of people out and about in the city, and I love that.

The wedding was absolutely gorgeous!  Honestly, one of the nicest weddings I have ever been to.  The ceremony was very heartfelt and moving (I always cry at weddings!) They had the ceremony and the reception at the same venue with a little hors d’oeuvre  hour in between.  After the ceremony, everyone headed outside for a butterfly release.

There is a butterfly in there!


We all received little envelopes with butterflies in them, and once we got the word we all opened  our envelopes to let the butterflies free.  It looked pretty to have a lot of butterflies flying around, but sadly I don’t think all of the butterflies made it.

After the release and the hors d’oeuvre hour, it was time to head into the actual reception for dinner and dancing.  The place cards and menu carried on the butterfly theme!  It was very classy and cute.

Then, it was time for dinner.  We began with a chopped salad with cucumber, tomato, shredded carrot, and shredded radish.

The main meal was a filet mignon with a bordelaise sauce (which Brian said was good) a macadamia nut crusted chicken breast topped with a spiced apple chutney, green beans, and white cheddar mashed potatoes.  The chicken was good, but the flavor of the macadamia nut did not come out as strongly as I had anticipated.  I am not usually a cooked apple person, let alone with chicken, but it was fun to try something new.  I really enjoyed the mashed potatoes because the white cheddar gave them such a different flavor then garlic and herb mashed potatoes, and of course I loved the green beans!

The wedding cake was either white or chocolate, and it seemed like the white had a lemony icing flavor, but Brian said he couldn’t taste it.  Maybe I was imagining it!

After the speeches and special dances a candy bar opened up!  It was so cute.  All of the candy was pink, and on the table there was a little note that explained that the candy bar was in memory of Cayla’s grandma who lost her battle with breast cancer and that a donation was made to Susan G. Komen.

Not only was there a candy bar, a little station opened up that was serving either bananas foster or cherries jubilee with vanilla ice cream.  Although I was thoroughly stuffed, it is always hard for me to say no to ice cream (it is my weakness) so I had a small bowl of the bananas foster, but I couldn’t finish it. It was tasty, though!

Brian and I walked home from the reception to enjoy a nice and relaxing night watching HGTV (he is watching HGTV and I am blogging).  Gotta rest up for our 6 mile race on Monday!


Night 😉

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