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Is There An App For That??

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Yesterday, I was so happy that my sister was able to come over and join Brian and I for our tasty dinner of French Onion Soup.

After dinner we relaxed while she did her laundry by watching The Sing Off (which is amazing!), looking at Pinterest, loading apps onto my iTouch, and then watching the Food Network.  Perfect sister time!

So, because I am going to be living in London for roughly a month while training to be a cruiseline fitness instructor and then on a boat, I am not going to actually have a phone for the next year.  Instead I will be using Brenna’s old iTouch.  We tried downloading a couple of apps last night but because I don’t have an iPhone I have no idea of what apps I really want or even need!

Any suggestion of what apps I should download???!



I woke up this morning wanting to hit the snooze button and sleep for another hour.  After laying there for a couple of minutes and debating on whether to go back to sleep or jump out of bed, I realized how much easier it is for me to workout first thing when I wake up.  It truly energizes my day, makes me happy, and allows me to spend the day focused on other things and not when I will squeeze a workout in.


I gave the new video by Jeanette Jenkins that I posted about yesterday a try and absolutely loved it!


The video is 10 minutes long and incorporates all muscle groups in simple moves that are great for beginners and more advanced people.  I repeated the video 3 times for a 30 minute workout and then followed it up with 8 minute abs (again).


For breakfast I had a delicious smoothie bowl made with blackberries, bananas, spinach, and peanut butter.   The weather is actually warming up here after being in the 50s over the weekend, so I thought that something cool and smooth would be perfect!

I also had a side of Crystal Light Energy.  I love this stuff because it tastes good, has only 5 calories a serving, and really has a caffeine kick!

Fat Tax

So, I was watching the Today Show this morning, and they mentioned that the government is considering placing a “fat tax” on certain foods that are over a certain percentage of fat.

Do you think that this is a good idea to stop the obesity epidemic, or do you think that it just sounds crazy!??!

I’m not one that LOVES to buy a ton of junk food, but I still think that it sounds a little silly.

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